
Isn't there a saying that says "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all?" Ok then. Here's what I have to say about Ameria ......................................
Ok ok. She's pretty cool, other than her "justice" problem.... Oh, and her "Zel" problem. Um.. anyway, she's really nice and can be helpful, I'll give her that much. ^_^;

Quick Stats:
Full Name Ameria Wil Tesla Saillune
Other Names none
Voice Actor Suzuki Masami
Age 14, I think.
Weight prolly like 90 lbs.
Height maybe around 5' 2"
Relatives Prince Phil, Cousin Albert, maybe Naga
Loves Justice, Zelgadiss
Spells (that I can remember ^^;) Flow Break, Recovery....some other ones.... brain..not..working...
Friends Gourry, Lina, Zelgadiss, Filia, Xelloss(somewhat)

And here's an image gallery for your enjoyment!
