
Yes, she plays tea party alot. Yes, she screams and acts girly. But it's weird! I like her! I like her alot! She has got to be one of my favorite characters, she's very caring, and very smart. But she HATES Xelloss, but not really ^^; I think she'd go good with Xelloss-sama, that is if he wreen't mine! >:) Anyway, she's a Golden Dragon, and there's alot more to it, but I don't want to give it away! See the series! ^_^

Quick Stats:
Full Name Filia Ul Copt
Other Names Golden Dragon
Voice Actor Kuwashima Houko
Age many many years....
Weight like 500 lbs? she's a dragon. prolly more than that even.
Height in human form, around 5'10"
Relatives Golden Dragons
Loves Var Garv
Spells (that I can remember ^^;) umm..... can't remember the names, but they're God's spells
Friends Gourry, Lina, Zelgadiss, Ameria, Xelloss(somewhat)

And here's an image gallery for your enjoyment!
